I had hair once.

I did.  Here, this proves it….


Sure it is a little fuzzy, but this me when I was a senior in high school.  In all my grungy, fuzzy glory.

Here I am as I present my loveliness to the masses in this day and age…..


Now, after looking at the above pictures the question has to be asked, “What the heck is this guy talking about?  Why do I care as to whether or not he is hirsute, or not?”

Along with, “Dayum, he is a one good lookin’ hunk of male pulchritude.”

Ok, maybe not so much the last comment.  Regardless…

We were shopping yesterday and in the aisle with hair care (I was not the one perusing the wares) was a line of “scalp care” items that drew my attention.  And amusement.  I have been shaving my head since 2003.  In all of that time, the ONLY time when I worry about my scalp is when I have managed to get sunburnt and have to deal with my scalp peeling, and my looking like a leper.

And maybe I SHOULD worry more about caring for my scalp.

Nah.  Screw it.  the only thing I need to worry about is making sure my razor blades are sharp enough, and I don’t nick that beautiful expanse of flesh.