It’s true.

I have lived in the south…one year in North Carolina, and going on 3 years here in Florida. And I have not been through on hurricane.

Until now.

And please do not think that I am making light of this coming storm, just as I am not making light of the tragedy that Harvey left in Texas.

I do find this interesting. The bustle…the orderliness of the shopping today. I work in a grocery store so I get to watch people stock up…water, soda, beer, wine, batteries, toilet paper, diaper and wipes.

That is what I intend on writing about over the next week or so…my experience and thoughts going into a potential hurricane.

Lets get a few things out of the way.

I am not a brave person. Faced with potentially being impaled by a tiki torch propelled by 150 mph winds, my flat old man ass will be headed north to Alabama. I have already made arrangements for a place to stay if need be.

I am gathering my water, and food, etc for said trip if need be.

Life is good in that respect.

But this is fascinating. It is not like a snow scare at all, though I did watch an entire trailer of water…that is 22 double stacked skids of water by the way…go through the checkouts today.

That is a whole lotta water.

But there was no stocking up on “bread, eggs, milk”…the staples of snow scares in the north. What I watched being run  through was what I mentioned just a few sentences back.

Guess you don’t need things for the refrigerator if the power is off…Duh!

I am telling you…I am a neophyte with it comes to this stuff.

More tomorrow…….