Three transcontinental journeys and I am so disappointed.

Drove through the Chihuahuan Desert and didn’t see one freaking chihuahua.

I would have expected at least one herd or two of wild, free-range chihuahuas….but not one.

Packed up my hopes, and dreams and headed west. Most of you have already heard the story. And it isn’t original enough to repeat.

This marks the beginning of being retired. And it kinds sucks right now. I want to keep working a bit, but I earned more money than I should have in July. Consequently, I need to not work in August. First world problems, right? Granted. But now I need to establish a routine. Something that I have never been good at.

Sure, there are things I want to do. Visit the museums. Start a walking program. Start reading again. Play my guitar.

And most importantly….annoy the hell out of you, dear reader, with my step-by-step recitation of my journey.

You are welcome.