I usually have a number of draft posts hanging out in my blog. I always have something to write about, something to talk about, the Gods know that I always have an opinion.

I am always in need of titles of said thoughts and such.

So imagine my surprise when I opened this file and found a partial post hiding out. Some partially formed concept hoping that lightening will strike and make it vibrant.

Yeah. Not this time.

Instead, I am going to tell you about a song. An oldie from the late 1960’s. 1967 to be exact. By a British band called “The Foundations”, and their hit song “Baby, now that I’ve found you”. A seemingly innocuous little ditty about love.

Or is it?

I see this song as the very first stalker song. Similar to “Every Breath You Take” by The Police.

And here is my version of it…..

And to sweeten the pot that much more, I reveal the name of our new studio!